fully hand-animated player skin of my sona!------------------------------------------------------------------- stats: middle-of-the-road (all 5s)- fully custom voiceover (apologies)
comes with:- cherry pepsi can- scrunched quack face- many silly quack effects + a hat & scarf
some minor cosmetic edits i made to some psp homebrew apps i have. nothin’ too special overall, but i figured i may as well share em around. not like these are hard to find anyhow.-------------------------------------------------------
i figure if i’m gonna clog up your browser cache with custom 1080p page backgrounds, i might as well be courteous and give em to you properly. (that and some i use for myself, cuz why not!)-------------------------------------------------------------
i’ve been making custom icons for various folders and stuff for years now. there’s some for games, but it’s mostly band logos. maybe you’ll find em useful?-------------------------------------------------------------